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Personal Training Bangkok

Personal Training Bangkok (PTB)  is the leading provider of fitness education, personal training and lifestyle enhancement services in Bangkok. We approach your goals with unique, effective and goal oriented fitness training, based on science, 20 years of experience in the industry and fundamental nutrition guidance.

We use our unique and effective training Philosophy. Functional Integrated Training Systems allows clients to work at higher intensities for greater energy expenditure and fat loss. Your Bangkok personal trainer develops the body as an entire system, integrating movements that you perform in everyday life and in your sporting environment. Our personal trainers are reputable, legal, certifed and passionate.

We apply those movements to the exercise environment. Your Bangkok perosnal trainer will focus on core strength, stability, functional coordination, correct movement integration, balance and rotational exercises that develop an overall stronger, leaner and balanced body which is prepared to face the demands of normal living and daily activities.

Training with PTB is fun, educational and challenging, with experienced personal trainers and coaches who have a passion for what they do. They also happen to be the best at what they do. The only Results Driven facility and team of fitness professionals in Bangkok.

Fitness is not just fitness, a trainer is not just a trainer, and our training is not just training. If you are looking for a standard trainer who will turn up and just ‘train’, then we are not for you. We only accept driven, committed clients who understand their part in the lifestyle transforamtion process. Your own accountability is key to your success. Your personal trainer will be your experts, guide, mentor and coach to assist you in your transformation towards outstanding results. Find the best personal trainer in Bangkok for your goal achievement.

In this world, you get what you pay for. Your investment will give you the results. Guaranteed. Hands down. If we don’t deliver, you receive your investment in full. No questions asked.

You do of course have to follow our program to the detail. Our programs work. Period. If you are committed to being the best you can possibly be, want to develop the dream body you have always wanted, are dedicated to improving your health and lifestyle, learning how to make the right choices for food, for training and for eliminating those ‘excuses, buts’, I’m too busy and I’m too tired’ then we are prepared to do what it takes to fulfil your journey towards total body transformation.

Your journey starts here. Personal Training Professionals Bangkok


Fitcorp Asia is Thailand’s leading team of health and fitness experts to help you achieve optimal results.

Diverse, professional, knowledgeable, Fitcorp Asia leads the industry with innovative, goal oriented and result driven services and programs.

We provide the most effective approaches to exercise programming and are constantly advancing our education to ensure we stay at the top of the industry in terms of knowledge, service delivery and professionalism.

Expat Fitness

Established in 2003, Fitcorp Asia has been Bangkok’s leading private fitness company for well over 5 years.

Our understanding of the needs of our expat clientele ensure we deliver the right programs to achieve your desired results in LESS time.

  • We understand the challenges you face
  • We understand your needs
  • We understand what it takes to achieve results in Asia, and especially in Bangkok
  • We understand the food, which makes nutrition a whole lot easier
  • We know how to get you in great shape
  • We understand YOU!

Hectic travel schedules, family, school, charity work, travelling logistics, the daily challenges of life will no longer be your excuse to be inactive.

That’s why we ensure your training is super effective, where you can achieve more in less time, so you can spend more time living your life!

Expat Fitness in Bangkok – Goal Oriented, Result Driven.

Fitcorp Asia.
Expert Personal Trainers in Bangkok.

Sport Specific

Established in 2003, Fitcorp Asia has been Bangkok’s leading private fitness company for well over 5 years.

Our understanding of the needs of our expat clientele ensure we deliver the right programs to achieve your desired results in LESS time.

  • We understand the challenges you face
  • We understand your needs
  • We understand what it takes to achieve results in Asia, and especially in Bangkok
  • We understand the food, which makes nutrition a whole lot easier
  • We know how to get you in great shape
  • We understand YOU!

Hectic travel schedules, family, school, charity work, travelling logistics, the daily challenges of life will no longer be your excuse to be inactive.

That’s why we ensure your training is super effective, where you can achieve more in less time, so you can spend more time living your life!

Expat Fitness in Bangkok – Goal Oriented, Result Driven.

Fitcorp Asia.
Expert Personal Trainers in Bangkok.

Travel Training

Spend more time out of Bangkok than you do in? Business meetings, back to back, 5 cities in 5 days, first flight out, last flight in? No time to train? Sounds familiar doesn’t it.

We specialise in travel training programs for busy people. Gone are the days of having to be in the gym for 60 minutes at a time. Being productive, achieving more in less time, with little or no equipment is fundamental in achieving an active lifestyle and consistent exercise habit.

Research shows that four 15 minute bouts of exercise is MORE effective than one 60 minute session. And that’s exactly how we create the most effective fitness and conditioning programs to get you in great shape in less time.

Executive Corporate Fitness in Bangkok – Goal Oriented, Result Driven. Fitcorp Asia.

Expert Personal Trainers in Bangkok.

Fat Loss

Achieving your fat loss goals has never been easier. With a combined experience of over 40 years over 4 continents, our health and fitness experts in Bangkok know exactly what it takes to shed fat, lose weight permanently.

We have created the perfect program of effective fat burning exercise and balanced nutrition while keeping you accountable and educated on the most effective strategies to drop pounds, boost your metabolism and turn your body into a fat burning furnace.

We offer fat loss programs in all shapes and sizes, they are unique, just like you and focus on your individual needs to get you in the best shape of your life.

Our popular Fat Loss Challenge program is the most effective Fitness & Lifestyle Program in Bangkok. Over 300 pounds of fat have been shed in 2008 alone. Lives have been transformed, body’s have been transformed, and our clients really are in the best the best shape of their lives. Our Fat loss programs include:

  • Nutrition coaching
  • Effective fat burning exercise
  • Nutrition Journal
  • Online Meal Planning software
  • Travel training programs
  • Recipes
  • Fat Loss Education

And all the tools, tips and strategies to guarantee the achievement of your goals.

Fitcorp Asia are your fat loss and weight loss experts in Bangkok.

Golf Fitness

The Most Important Piece of Equipment IS YOUR BODY!

Thailand’s first and only Titleist Certified Golf Fitness Experts!

The Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) is the premier research and coaching facility for golf fitness in the world. TPI was created by Titleist to provide players with a total game learning experience, combining industry leading experts, state of the art technology, and world class facilities to enhance player’s performance.

TPI is the end result of over 11 years of research studying the best golfers in the world and how their bodies affect their golf swing.

TPI has developed a 12 point detailed physical screening process which measures your physical capability to generate and transfer speed through your swing, identify any physical limitations, and correlate these findings to your swing technique.

This powerful result oriented assessment allows us to determine your swing faults without watching you swing a club.

The exact same programs that have been used on the PGA and LPGA tour for years are now available in Thailand with Fitcorp Asia

An individualised and result driven program is then developed aimed at improving specific physical limitations and weaknesses which prevent you from improving your game and can lead to injury, muscle pain and frustration.

Check out our Golf Fitness DVD – Better Body, Better Golf (Link to

We guarantee you will:

•    Play Better Golf
•    Drive Further by 10-70 yards
•    Lower Your Handicap
•    Eliminate Injuries
•    Play More Consistently…

We will show you how to improve your golf performance through a series of functional, golf specific programs designed specifically for golfers to play better golf!
Regardless of age, current handicap, experience or current fitness level, whether you are a beginner, an amateur, a golf enthusiast or a PGA professional, Fitcorp Asia’s Golf Fitness & Conditioning Programs are guaranteed to help you increase club head speed, drive further, increase dynamic power, lower your handicap and eliminate injuries to ensure you play your best golf ever!

Golf Fitness Services:

TPI Golf Fitness Assessment
Golf Fitness Training
Junior Programs
Golf Fitness Bootcamps
Corporate Golf Workshops
Elite Training & Conditioning
Complete Golf Athlete Development

Triathlon / Event Training

Fitcorp Asia specializes in training and conditioning for endurance athletes, triathlons, marathons, speed and Olympic distances and adventure race training  in Bangkok. Thailand is becoming a haven for adventure races and triathlons, marathons and adventure races in Asia. This increase in popularity is also bringing athletes of varying levels, first timers, amateurs and professionals.

Of course, everyone’s objective is to complete each amazing race in Asia in their personal best time. An often overlooked strategies is resistance training. Coupled with strength training comes many myths which prevent participants from achieving better performances and resulting in injuries, overuse and muscle weaknesses and imbalances..

One of the most common myths of endurance athletes and triathletes is that of strength training. That lifting weights will slow you down, create more bulk and make you slow. This couldn’t be further to the truth.

The RIGHT strength training can turn all endurance athletes into efficient powerful athletes, allowing you to perform at higher intensities, for longer with less fatigue, improve your anaerobic threshold, to reabsorb waste products such as lactic acid more effectively, help you power through higher gears, hills and rough environmental conditions as well as improve your run economy, reduce injuries, create a more balanced, total body.

Here is what the research says:

  1. Running economy (RE) is how efficient one is at using oxygen while running. Several studies have suggested that rate RE can be improved through weight training. One study did weight training specifically with triathletes and found that RE as well as leg strength and power was increased.
  2. Plyometrics and explosive weight training may be useful for improvements in endurance athletes. Examples of plyometrics would be one foot hops, bounding and skipping to name a few. Explosive weight training would include hang cleans and push press type lifts.

 Fitcorp Asia are your triathlon, marathon and adventure race fitness training experts in Bangkok, Thailand.

Yoga & Pilates

Both Yoga and Pilates have proven their physical and mental benefits to the human body and mind. Both Yoga and Pilates can be a fantastic way to balance your training program.

At Fitcorp Asia, we encourage a totally integrated approach to health and performance. While no single form of exercise can be the sole secret to your success, a combination of movement options will help keep your training diverse, balanced and enjoyable.

Although many myths and misconceptions continue to exist today, you can be guaranteed to receive the most effective program you need to achieve your health and fitness objectives.

Yoga and Pilates are both an effective means for active recovery on your days inbetween your strength training sessions. Focusing on core strength, flexibility and mind body awareness, Fitcorp Asia’s Yoga and Pilates programs have been developed to compliement your conditioning program.

Choose from private, semi private and small group classes for all your Yoga and Pilates needs in Bangkok.

Youth Fitness

“Studies show that interventions to increase physical activity and improve nutrition is the most effective method to improve student academic and athletic performance”

ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine)

We at Fitcorp Asia are the first Certified Youth Fitness Specialists in Asia. We take a different approach to the way our youth move and play sports and are educated to enhance the ‘movement skills’ which are essential to create a positive exercise experience, preven injuries and coach to improve coordination, strength, balance and mobility/stability in youth.

In addition to offering cutting edge speed and movement programs for youth, we also consult with schools all over Asia, to deliver educational seminars and workshops to caoches and PE teachers on the fundamentals of youth movement.

We have delivered youth fitness and sports coaching programs throughout Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, Hong Kong and various cities in China. Expanding the understanding and skills of coaches and teachers to develop sound movement based programs to inspire better athletes, prevent injuries and bring professionals up to date with the latest research and coaching principles.

Our approach is different, our understanding is unique, but our task is simple.

To create a physical culture amongst youth, coaches, and parents by delivering knowledge and training to create well rounded young athletes that move correctly, and remain injury free.

All youth are in a very sensitive time of their physical and mental development. From birth to the late teens we have an open window to create and refine very important motor and movement skills that will affect the rest of a child’s life.

In these sensitive first 20 years, youth are changing quickly physically and mentally and all physical training must be in line with the different levels of development including communication, physical movement, and fun!

Young Athlete Performance

Our approach ensures to effectively train different levels of young athletes in different ways. We have broken our training programs into three different age groups aligned with the mental and physical development stages youth are experiencing.

A 7 year old does not need to understand the mechanics of a squat like a 14 year old. A 7 year old needs to move and have fun learning to enjoy being active. Whether at 7 or 14 years we can teach a child to squat. The way in which we approach the training will depend on age, skill level, and motivation.

We also understand that communication is of utmost importance when dealing with young athletes. We have developed 4 levels of skill/motivational personalities that allow us to communicate in the most effective manner to each individual child.

Our objective is to create an environment in which youth want to be active by teaching them to move correctly while having fun. Increased movement skills and body movement understanding will lead to fewer injuries on and off the playing field and add an increased quality of living into adulthood.

School Health Promotion:

To establish your school as a ‘Health Promoting School’ is testament to the schools vision, and an outstanding innovator in the promotion of health within the education curriculum.

Similarly, we specialize in ‘Workplace Health Promotion’ and shares this common synergy for the improvement and promotion of health, fitness and sound nutrition to enhance energy, athletic performance and mental capacity.

  • Consult your school on the development and implementation of health promotion initiatives, internal champions and programs
  • Fitness Boot Camps for students and teachers
  • Fitness Boot Camps for families
  • Monthly health and fitness newsletters
  • Regular seminars on health, fitness, nutrition, goal achievement and performance enhancement

The Needs & Interests Assessment (NIA)

We have created a unique online Needs and Interests Assessment (NIA) to determine the specific needs and personal interests of target groups.

The information obtained from this assessment provides a powerful insight into the needs of particular communities. Specific areas of current health, activity levels, nutritional habits as well as lifestyle and activity preferences are explored. We can also include specific questions to obtain information that your school would like to determine.


As our clients are unique, so too are our programs and packages.

Each body is designed and engineered as uniquely as the next. Therefore it is crucial that we also personalize our programs to ensure each and every client received the most specific, goal oriented program to help them achieve their health and fitness Objectives.

As Thailand’s leading team of fitness experts and personal trainers in Bangkok,  we ensure you have the right strategies, tools and education to keep you on track, accountable, enjoying your training and closer to your dream body in less time!

Our Bangkok Fitness Programs include:

Personal Training Programs:      2,3,4 x week and 3,6,12 months

Personal Training Programs:2,3,4 x week and 3,6,12 months
Boot Camp packages:2,3,4 x Week and Unlimited 3,6,12 months
Fat Loss Packages:12 and 24 week programs
Nutrition Packages:Online nutrition software, food journals, meal plans, coaching sessions.

Contact Fitcorp Asia – The Bangkok Fitness Experts and get yourself on track and in great shape, in less time.

 02 229 4114  |  0818 044 335  or Email